

Key messages:

  • Familiar North(wetter) - South(dryer) gradient of precipitation changes
  • Drying in the South is most pronounced in the summer months
  • Agreement on sign of change highest over Iberian Peninsula, Eastern, Northern Europe

Why is the content of this map important?

These maps show that patterns of precipitation change are highly non-uniform. Both dryer (southern Europe) and  wetter (northern Europe) conditions are projected. Despite the robustness of the N-S gradient the exact location of the switch in sign varies considerably from season to season and even from model to model. 

Which sectors are affected by this result?

Changes in precipitation link to many sectors. Energy, health, agriculture and tourism are all affected by reductions/increases in water availability. See these stories to better understand the range of impacts that can be expected.

What is shown on the maps?

The maps show precipitation in units of mm/day. The color scale of the change plots show changes between +/- 0.5 mm/day with amounts above above/below these amounts shown in dark orange/purple. Attention should be given to the seasonal changes. Increases in winter precipitation are projected for much of Europe. Summer drying is most evident in southern Europe and the Mediterranean region. This is important as these reinforce and potentially exacerbate existing patterns and vulnerabilities.

Details and further information:

Additional information:


Stefan Sobolowski

Uni Research AS (UniRes), Norway